February 2024 NHPA Updates

Brothers and sisters,

The NHPA has continued to represent and advocate for you behind the scenes and at the State House. Our work on your behalf continues.

We held our monthly in person meeting last Tuesday February 20th in Salem. Legislative topics included the recent hearing on Qualified Immunity which went well for law enforcement. An NHPA representative testified and there was a good turnout overall speaking against the bill which would abolish Qualified Immunity in New Hampshire. In fact, there was overwhelming opposition to the bill in the hearing. While the effort to prevent changes to current law seems to be going well again this year, we need to remain vigilant as qualified immunity will likely continue to be threatened.

The NHPA also continues to closely monitor a number of other bills and subjects affecting us including retirement, police details, the misconduct committee, and first responder mental health.

The President of the NH Group II Retirement Coalition was present again to speak about their current position regarding their possible lawsuit.

The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing housekeeping topics such as police memorial week and scholarships.

As always, feel free to contact a board member if you have any questions, thoughts, or are interested in getting more involved. Involvement is vital in an association like ours.

Take Care and stay safe!


Mike Geha

President, NHPA


Spring 2024 Updates


November 2023 NHPA Updates