Become a Member


Membership Types

Active Members"Sworn" are those persons who are full-time certified law enforcement officers of any state, county or local law enforcement agency within the State of New Hampshire. This also includes full-time probationary officers, awaiting certification, in any of the aforementioned categories. Dues for Active Membership is twenty five ($25.00) Dollars annually, to be paid no later than January 31st, each year.

Active Members"Non Sworn" Is a new category which includes Dispatchers, Specials, Clerical and any other person employed on a regular basis by a law enforcement agency. Non-Sworn will have all the rights, privileges, and benefits of Active Sworn except for voting power at the Annual Meeting . Dues for Active Non-Sworn Membership is twenty five ($25.00) Dollars annually, to be paid no later than January 31st, each year.

Associate Members: This category includes any civilian member who has an interest in the association but is not employed by a Law Enforcement Agency. Such membership, however, is only granted to those persons of good character and whose membership is sponsored by an active member in good standing Confirmation of such membership is by a two thirds affirmative vote of the NHPA Executive Board. Associate members will have all privileges of an active member, but will have no voice or voting power of the Association. Dues for Associate membership are twenty five ($25.00) Dollars, paid annually no later than January 31st, each year.

Retired Members are those Active members who have retired and/or vested their rights with no less than ten years service.  Dues for Retired Members are twenty five ($25.00) Dollars, paid annually no later than January 31st, each year. Retirees who were active dues paying members in good standing  with the NHPA during their final five consecutive years of service are eligible to have their annual dues fee waved.  Proof of eligibility is required.

Life Members are those past presidents, or any active member in good standing, who are nominated to life membership by any other member in good standing. All such nominations of life membership shall be passed by two thirds vote of the NHPA Executive Board. No dues are required for Life Members.

Disabled Members are those members who have been permanently disabled in the line of duty. The disabled member shall have been a member in good standing of the NHPA one day prior to disability. No dues are required for Disabled Members.



*To register an entire department or group as members, contact us to receive a custom membership link.


All applications should be submitted in writing to:

814 Elm Street, Box 512
Manchester, NH 03101


REQUEST A Membership sticker:

Membership stickers will be mailed out with dues paid applications.  If you are a Retired, Disabled, or Life Member, or you would like additional stickers, Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with payment of $1 per sticker and we will gladly ship them to you. 

All STICKER REQUESTS should be submitted in writing to:

814 Elm Street, Box 512
Manchester, NH 03101