Updates Heidi Mitrushi Updates Heidi Mitrushi

Spring 2024 Updates

Brothers and sisters,

The NHPA board and board of directors held their monthly meeting this past Tuesday. We had 2 board members travel to Washington DC to attend Police Memorial week. They spoke highly of it as usual, and we hope to have more representation from the NHPA in future. Much of the meeting focused on legislation including the retirement bills being considered as well as the so-called Critical Injury bill. This bill is aimed to help NH law enforcement officers who are seriously injured in the line of duty. While these bills continue to be scrutinized and amended by our law makers for a variety of reasons, NHPA lobbyists and board members continue to advocate and offer testimony in the best interest of New Hampshire Law Enforcement. Additionally, the NHPA attorneys have continued to work through the many questions, concerns, and issues regarding the EES or Exculpatory Evidence Schedule, which was preciously known as the “Lorrie List”. Our attorneys were in the NH Supreme Court much of last week advocating for you.

The annual NHPA golf tournament is quickly approaching next month. While this tournament has been full for some time, feel free to contact the NHPA board to see how you can get involved in the future and other ways to support the tournament.

As always, feel free to reach out to an NHPA board member if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns about anything affecting law enforcement in NH. We are also seeking involvement and participation from members to help. If anyone would like to sit in on a monthly meeting either in person or via Zoom, please contact us. And finally, please make sure that you, your union, or agency are members of the New Hampshire Police Association.

With Regards,
Frank Swirko


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Meeting Minutes, Updates Heidi Mitrushi Meeting Minutes, Updates Heidi Mitrushi

November 2023 NHPA Updates

Brothers and sisters,

The NHPA held it regular monthly meeting on Tuesday November 21, 2023.

The board met with Representative Kimberly Abare who is seeking an endorsement for Donald Trump and Russell Prescott who spoke about his run for Congress. Officials and members in attendance questioned him about his position on qualified immunity, the retirement system, and law enforcement support among other topics.  Leaders of the newly formed NH Group II Retirement Coalition were in attendance to speak about the coalition’s origins, intent, and answered questions. Much of the night was taken up with conversation regarding retirement issues and the committee which has recently concluded their meetings regarding the current state of the retirement system for the “middle tier” affected in 2012 as well as the overall system.

Ken Chamberlain was presented with a plaque in recognition of his work and dedication to the NHPA and NH law enforcement. Ken is a Retired Manchester Police Officer, Former president of the Manchester Police Patrolmans Association, is a past president of the NH Police Association, and he has continued to work with and support the NHPA and all law enforcement since his retirement.

NHPA Attorney Marc Beaudoin gave a legal update and NHPA lobbyist James Demers gave legislative updates on a variety of topics to include retirement, qualified immunity, HB 526 (traffic details), and SB 134 (disability for LE seriously injured in the line of duty).

****************The NHPA meets monthly advocating for and representing all NH law enforcement in the courts and at the State House. Please support us by becoming a member and getting involved. For more information, visit our website and contact a board member for details. ************************

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